SWAT Firefight (2011)
HD | 89 Min. | | Action, Action & Adventure, Crime, ThrillerNonton Film SWAT Firefight (2011) Full Movie Subtitle Indonesia
Nonton SWAT Firefight (2011) Sub Indo – Sersan Paul Cutler (Gabriel Macht) adalah mantan militer Departemen Kepolisian Los Angeles S.W.A.T. perwira dan dianggap sebagai salah satu yang terbaik, bahkan memegang rekor tidak memiliki korban sipil selama sepuluh tahun berturut-turut. Setelah berhasil menyelamatkan sandera tanpa korban, Cutler diminta untuk melatih Detroit S.W.A.T. dengan kurikulum pelatihan yang diperbarui dari program pelatihan Tim Penyelamat Sandera F.B.I. Tak lama setelah tiba di Detroit, Cutler segera memaksakan otoritasnya dan memiliki waktu yang sulit dengan Kapten (Giancarlo Esposito) departemen serta salah satu senior S.W.A.T. komandan Justin Kellogg (Nicholas Gonzalez). Di tengah latihan, tim menanggapi panggilan darurat di mana mantan agen pemerintah Walter Hatch (Robert Patrick) menyandera pacarnya (Kristanna Loken).
Nonton Movie SWAT Firefight (2011) Subtitle Indonesia
Although the girl is saved unharmed, she hijacks Hatch’s handgun and pleads with Cutler to move so she can shoot Hatch. When Cutler refuses to and tries to calm her down, she puts the gun to her head and commits suicide. Cutler’s 10-year record with no hostages lost is broken and it takes its toll on him. The rift between Cutler and Kellogg escalates at a local bar, where Cutler makes a bet for Kellogg to beat him in a higher score with an arcade machine in exchange for Cutler leaving the city. Kellogg loses the bet, and is instead reassigned to “Charlie Company”. Due to low manpower, Cutler enlists military squadmate Lori Barton (Shannon Kane) to assist his training. As the training goes on, Hatch steals a binder which contains details of tactics and information on the members. Meanwhile, Cutler starts a passionate relationship with Kim Byers (Carly Pope), the Detroit PD’s Psychiatrist. The phone calls from Hatch now increase and he kidnaps Kim after planting a bomb under Cutler’s car and shooting a member of S.W.A.T. The Captain orders Cutler to return to Los Angeles, where Hatch would not be able to target him.
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The team is then called to a derelict warehouse where things do not appear to be right as no officers are on the scene. In the van, communication from the station shows that the call was a hoax. One S.W.A.T. officer is killed by a bomb while Barton and Watters are kidnapped. Aware of the full situation, Kellogg gives Cutler access to the armory and a squad car to save the hostages at one of the training grounds. Cutler briefly rescues Watters, but Watters perishes due to gunshot wounds to the chest from one of Hatch’s henchmen. Cutler manages to save Barton and pursues Hatch. Cutler engages Hatch in a hand-to-hand fight while Kim tries to cut free from a bomb vest. She manages to escape it after Lori breaks the chain holding her with a shot from her sniper rifle, and throws it towards Hatch just as Cutler kicks him back into the wall. Cutler fires a shot, hitting the vest and detonating it, while Hatch falls down from a window as the blast engulfs him. The rest of the S.W.A.T. team arrives, with Cutler graduating the surviving members. Cutler asks Kim if she wants to go back to Los Angeles with him and she silently nods as they hold each other.